June 2022 ChMS Price Adjustment FAQ

What is the new price structure for and how is it different from the previous structure?

The base fee moves from $35 to $37

For records 1-2000, the per record cost will move from 12.7 cents to 13.4 cents

For records 2001-6000, the per record cost will move from 7.75 cents to 8.18 cents

For records 6001+, the per record cost will move from 1 cent to 1.055 cents

Here’s an example for a customer with 2274 records….

Base fee = $37

Records 1 to 2000 = $268

Records 2001 to 2274 = $22.41

Total Price = $327.41

Why do some notices refer to a 5.5% increase and others refer to the price per record changing?

Both are correct. The new fee structure (above) represents a 5.5% increase. To make it easy for customers to calculate the impact, our email messaging referred to the increase in simplest terms (5.5%) while our message posted in the Admin Inbox provided the details of the calculation. 

Important note: When the increase takes effect in June, the calculation will be based on your record count as of your last record count review not your current record count (unless your record count review date is May or June, see post below titled “In June will my record…”).


First Example Church had their annual record count review in December of 2021 and their record count was 1000 records. First Example Church now has 1200 records. On June 1st their price will increase based on 1000 records not 1200.

Why is the price changing?

We are committed to providing the highest quality service, along with platform stability, data security and continued product enhancements and innovation. We strive each day to ensure that your unique requirements are not only met but exceeded. To maintain these standards, the price adjustment, as described in this document is occurring.

When will the price adjustment take place?

All invoices on or after June 1, 2022.

What is the difference in this price change and an Annual Record Count Review?

The pricing adjustment planned for June 1st is separate from your annual record count review. This price adjustment changes the per record fee for all customers (As noted above in both cents per record and percent form). Annual Record Account Reviews are separate and allow you to clean up your database, which in turn, allows you to impact what your recurring fee will be for the year following your review month. Customers whose annual record count review month is May or June are the only customers who will see the adjusted price schedule (the 5.5% increase) applied to your newly assessed record count (see the next FAQ for more detail).

In June, will my record count at that time be used or my count at the last time it was recorded? (aka my last annual record count review date)

For customers whose annual record count reviews are in May or June, the record count used will be your record as of May 25, 2022. For all other customers the new price will be based on your record count as of the last record count review.

What if I am on a contract?

Customers who signed contracts that prevent annual record count reviews will see a 5.5% increase on their contracted price.

What if I pay annually?

Your next annual invoice occurring on or after June 1, 2022 will be at the new price.

What constitutes “a record” and how can I reduce my record count?

A record is any people record in your database. For more details visit this help page.

When is my record count review month?

Your record count review takes place in the month when your instance of the system was created (Typically the month you purchased). A message is posted approximately 30 days before your record count review month in the in-product Admin Inbox to allow you time to reduce your count if possible. If you would like to know your date, email kim.neagles@ministrybrands.com.