As a support-based missionary, in-person conversations were far and away more effective than anything else. For ministry, that most likely equates to your in-person or live-streamed services.
quote-left Whatever your goal, there’s simply nothing more effective than being able to clearly articulate your mission, vision, or ministry impact in-person, right in your service. quote-right
Problem: By the end of your service...people tend to get busy and forget.
Solution: Use KEYWORD TEXTING to give your audience an opportunity to immediately respond!
For example, when you share that VBS is open for registration, ask everyone to text "VBS" and receive a link to your Registration form.
Show Me How!
Pro-Tip: even if people aren’t sure if they want to ‘join,’ ask them to text your keyword anyway. This way, they will always have the link to your response form in their text-message history.