Smart Check-In

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Smart Check-In?

A: Smart Check-in improves the speed and accuracy of your Check-in process, suggesting specific groups based on history and real-time details.

For example, consider little Rachel Rivera:

  • Rachel typically attends the "1st Track Butterflies" class, so when the Rivera family shows up on Sunday morning at 9:20, the "1st Track Butterflies" group is pre-selected, and one click is all the confirmation needed to check her in.

  • But if the Riveras decide to attend 2nd track and show up at 10:55, the "2nd Track Butterflies" class would be suggested, since that's what other children Rachel's age are checking into.

Q: What do we need to do to enable this feature?

A: Nothing.  This feature was recently released and is built into the system. It will run automatically, helping to keep your check-in lines moving quickly.

Q: How does Smart Check-In work?

A: It works in two ways...

  1. Suggested Groups: As each person checks in, Smart Check-in looks at the time of week, recent check-in history, group membership, and other criteria to suggest up to three groups that show at the top of the group list.

  2. Pre-selection: When possible based on those criteria, Smart Check-in pre-selects a group (or a set of groups), so that a confirmation tap on the person's name is all that is needed. (The iOS Check-in app does not include pre-selection.)

If Smart Check-in can identify one of these groups (or group combos, if checked into at the same time) as a clear priority, that group is selected when the family page loads. Users can confirm the selection by clicking the checkbox for that individual without going to the Group selection list or can click the group to change it.

Q: How does Smart Check-In determine suggested groups?

A: Suggested groups are the first three groups based on these criteria in the following order:

  1. Recent history this time of week: In the last 5 weeks, the Group (or group combo, if the person checks into multiple groups at the same time) most often checked into during this timeframe (if tied for "most often", most recent first). “This timeframe” means this the current time of week (weekday and time), plus or minus 30 minutes

  2. Membership and station check-ins: Other groups the person is a member of (active or inactive), that have been checked into at this station in the last 30 minutes

  3. Date of Birth and station check-ins: If DOB exists, other groups checked into from this station in last 30 minutes by people +/- one month in age (if DOB exists)

  4. Group membership: Groups the person is a member of (active or inactive)

  5. Recent history this day of week: Groups the person has attended at any time on the current day of the week in last 5 weeks

  6. Recent history any day of week: Groups the person has attended other days of week in last 5 weeks (in most recent priority)

Q: How long does it take before the Smart Check-in learns to show the users’ most common selections?

A: If you are already using the check-in feature, the system learns from their last five weeks data to prompt members at check-in. If your church is new to the check-in feature, you will begin to get prompts in just a few weeks.

Q: What if the user comes at a different time, or goes to a different class?

A: The drop down menu is always available for them to change their check-in.

Q: In the summer and fall, our classes change.  What will the system prompt then?

A:   These options are available for each Station in Settings > Check-in

  • “Temporarily Ignore History for Group Suggestions”.  Use this at the start of a new school year or any time a break from recent (last five weeks) attendance is needed. Resets after four weeks or turn off manually.

  • “Testing: Show Group Suggestions as if it were this date and time”.  Use this setting to run test Check-ins to see how your setup is functioning. Auto re-sets daily. This setting does not affect iOS Check-in App.