KEYWord Texting - Create Immediate Ministry OpportunitIES


KEYWORD TEXTING and give your audience an opportunity to immediately respond when they're most engaged
during announcement time in your weekly services.

quote-left  Every Sunday, thousands of ministry opportunities walk right out the door...
simply because we've not provided low-effort, mobile-friendly ways to engage.

For example, when you share that VBS is open for registration, ask everyone to text "VBS" and receive a link to your Registration form. Or when you need more volunteers, text "Volunteer" to see all the opportunities available.

(And by the way, did we mention all keyword texts messages are free? Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes  What are you waiting for?)

Show Me How!

Setting up a Text Keyword is done in our integrated Giving Software. (Plus it takes just one minute!)

Follow the simple steps below.

  1. Login to your Giving Software and click on the Settings Gear at the top right. 
  2. Next, click on the Text Management tile. 
  3. Click the Plus Icon to the right of the Form Keywords heading (below).

  4. Simply Select a Form in the dropdown list (Step 1 - below) and simply Type a Keyword in the provided textbox (Step 2). (Note: Keywords cannot have spaces)
  5. Click Save and you're done!

Want more details? Learn more here! 

Never setup a text-giving phone number? Follow These Instructions!

Keyword Texting Pro Tips:

  • If you've never used keyword texting before, ask your members to Save Your Number as your Ministry Name.

  • Even if people aren’t sure if they want to ‘join,’ ask them to Text Your Keyword Anyway This way, they will always have the link to your response form in their text-message history. They'll also be ready to text other keywords in the future!

  • If you'll be introducing Keyword Texting for the first time Introduce Text Giving as well! Text-Giving is included FREE with our integrated Giving Software and the easiest way to give and engage new donors!

    See our Brief Setup Guide to get started! (It literally takes less than a minute to activate your giving number!) 

    Bonus: Don't miss our text-giving promotion resources or example webpage for ideas!